We agree on the necessity and importance of ESG management,
      and we will strive to reflect this throughout our management.
      • Environment

        Climate change and carbon emissions
        Environmental Pollution and Environmental Regulations
        Ecosystems and Biodiversity

      • Social

        Data protection and privacy
        Human Rights, Gender Equality and Diversity
        Community Relations

      • Governance

        Composition of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee
        Bribery and Anti-Corruption
        Business ethics

      • Marusys Environment Policy

        As one of the practical measures for the mission of Marusys, “Our product becomes love” We strive to pass on a better environment to the next generation.

        1. In order to pass on a better environment to the next generation, environmental preservation is part of corporate management. Recognize it as essential and conduct business.

        2. To comply with environmental laws and to actively respond and reduce pollutants

        3. To conduct resource-saving activities such as effective use of resources and recycling, reuse and energy saving.

        4. To provide environmental policies and basic principles to all employees through continuous environmental education.

        5. To establish detailed goals and action plans to achieve the environmental policy, and prepare the necessary systems and systems and continuously improve them in practice.

        6. To provide transparency in environmental management, we disclose this policy internally and externally, including stakeholders, and Actively collect opinions.